Italian nouns in 2 Catchy Songs: Sing Along, Get Fun Learn Many Basic Nouns By Heart!

Italian NounsHere’s a lesson is about the genders and numbers of the Italian nouns with Loredana Bertè, by singing “Sei Bellissima (“You’re very beautiful”).

Play the video, try to sing along (you can also read all the lyrics by scrolling the text in the window below, and… have fun!

Learn Some Basic Italian Nouns by Singing “Sei Bellissima”

Che strano uomo avevo io, con gli occhi dolci quanto basta,
What a strange man did I have, with eyes sweet just enough
per farmi dire sempre sono ancora tua
to make me say always: “I’m still yours!”
E mi mancava il terreno quando si addormentava sul mio seno
And I got lost when he fell asleep on my breast
e lo scaldavo al fuoco umano della gelosia
and I warmed him with the human fire of jealousy.

Che strano uomo avevo io mi teneva sotto braccio
What a strange man I had, he walked with me arm in arm
e se cercavo di essere seria per lui ero solo un pagliaccio
and if I tried to be serious, for him I was only a clown
e poi mi diceva sempre: “Non vali che un po’ più di niente.”
and then he always told me: “You’re worth a bit more than nothing.”

Io mi vestivo di ricordi per affrontare il presente
I got dressed with memory to face the present
e ripensavo ai primi tempi quando ero innocente,
and I recalled the first times, when I was innocent,
a quando avevo nei capelli la luce rossa dei coralli,
when I had i my hair the red light of corals,
quando ambiziosa come nessuna mi specchiavo
when, ambitious like nobody, I looked at myself
nella luna e lo obbligavo a dirmi sempre:
in the moon and I made him tell me always:

“Sei bellissima, sei bellissima!”
“You’re very beautiful, you’re very beautiful!”
Accecato d’amore mi stava a guardare…
Blinded by the love he was watching at me…

“Sei bellissima, sei bellissima!”
“You’re very beautiful, you’re very beautiful!”
Accecato d’amore mi stava a guardare…
Blinded by the love he was watching at me…

“Sei bellissima, sei bellissima!” Na na na…
“You’re very beautiful, you’re very beautiful!” Na na na…

“Sei bellissima…
“You’re very beautiful…

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See also  Italian Articles: Learning Their Quite Complicated Rules With Ease Through 4 Videos (The Best Way, Hands Off!)

Number and Gender of Italian Nouns

Italian nouns have two genders, masculine and feminine, and two numbers, singular, and plural. There is no neuter gender; no “it” form.

To speak and write fluent Italian you have to put the right article in front of almost all Italian nouns. The song above includes a few nouns to start with:


(the man)
gli uomini
(the men)
il pagliaccio
(the clown)
i pagliacci
(the clowns)
(the eye)
gli occhi
(the eyes)
il seno
(the breast)
i seni
(the the breasts)
il terreno
(the land)
i terreni
(the lands)
il ricordo
(the memory)
i ricordi
(the memories)
il tempo
(the time)
i tempi
(the times)
la gelosia
(the jealousy)
la gelosie
(the jealousies)
il capello
(the hair)
i capelli
(the hair)
la luce
(the light)
le luci
(the lights)
il corallo
(the coral)
i coralli
(the corals)
la luna
(the moon)
le lune
(the moons)
il padrone
(the master)
i padroni
(the masters)
la schiava
(the slave)
le schiave
(the slaves)
Italian Nouns – A Quick Guide to Italian Gender Rules


Learn the Italian Nouns by Singing “Notte Prima Degli Esami:”

Learn the Italian nouns with Antonello Venditti singing “Notte Prima Degli Esami” (“Night before Examinations).

Io mi ricordo quattro ragazzi
I remember four boys
con la chitarra e un pianoforte sulla spalla,
with the guitar and a piano on the shoulders,
come pini di Roma, la vita non li spezza,
Like Rome pines, life doesn’t break them,
questa notte è ancora nostra,
this night is still ours,
ma come fanno le segretarie con gli occhiali
but how do the secretaries with glasses
a farsi sposare dagli avvocati?
to get married to lawyers?

Le bombe delle sei non fanno male,
The bombs of six don’t hurt,
è solo il giorno che muore, e’ solo il giorno che muore.
it’s just the day that’s dying, it’s just the day that’s dying.
Gli esami sono vicini e tu sei troppo lontana dalla mia stanza,
the final terms are close and you’re too far from my room,
tuo padre sembra Dante e tuo fratello Ariosto.
your father looks like Dante and you’re brother like Ariosto.

Stasera al solito posto la luna sembra strana,
This evening at the same place the moon seems distant,
sarà che non ti vedo da una settimana…
maybe it’s because I didn’t see you for one week…

Maturità, ti avessi preso prima,
High school diploma, if I’d get you before,
le mie mani sul tuo seno è fitto il tuo mistero
my hands on your breast, your mystery is complicated
e il tuo peccato originale come quei calzoni americani,
and your original sin, like that American trousers,
non fermare ti prego le mie mani sulle tue cosce tese,
don’t stop my hands, please, on your tense thighs,
chiuse come le chiese quando ti vuoi confessare.
closed like churches when you would like to go to confession.

Notte prima degli esami notte di polizia,
The night before Examinations, a police night,
certo qualcuno te lo sei portato via,
surely you’ve carried somebody away,
notte di mamma e di papà col biberon in mano,
night of mum and dad with the feeding bottle in hands,
notte di nonne alla finestra, ma questa notte è ancora nostra,
night of grandmothers at the window, but this night is still ours,
notte di giovani attori, di pizze fredde e di calzoni,
night of young actors, cold pizzas and “calzoni”,
notte di sogni di coppe di campioni…
night of Champions’ Cups dreams…

Notte di lacrime e preghiere la matematica non
Night of tears and prayers, maths will never
sarà mai il mio mestiere e gli aerei volano in alto,
be my job and the planes fly high
tra New York e Mosca, ma questa notte è ancora nostra,
between New York and Moscow, but this night is still ours,
Claudia non tremare, non ti posso far male se l’amore è amore…
Claudia don’t shiver, I can’t hurt you if love is love…

Si accendono le luci qui sul palco,
The lights on the stage come on,
ma quanti amici attorno che viene voglia di cantare,
but how many friends around, so that you’d like to sing,
forse cambiati, certo un po’ diversi
maybe changed, surely a bit different,
ma con la voglia ancora di cambiare,
but still wishing to change,
se l’amore è’ amore, se l’amore è amore,
if love is love, if love is love,
se l’amore è’ amore, se l’amore è amore, se l’amore è amore…
if is love, if love is love, if love is love…

Notte Prima Degli Esami – Singular And Plural Nouns in Italian

The song above includes many basic nouns that you’ve to learn to speak and write fluent Italian. Of course, it’s better to know the rules for Italian articles too. Here’s the list of the nouns in the song “Notte Prima Degli Esami” by Antonello Venditti:

(the lawyer)
gli avvocati
(the lawyers)
la chitarra
(the guitar)
le chitarre
(the guitars)
il ragazzo
(the boy)
i ragazzi
(the boys)
la finestra
(the window)
le finestre
(the the windows)
il pianoforte
(the piano)
i pianoforti
(the pianos)
la settimana
(the week)
le settimane
(the weeks)
(the lawyer)
gli avvocati
(the lawyers)
la luna
(the moon)
le lune
(the moons)
il giorno
(the day)
i giorni
(the days)
la bomba
(the bomb)
le bombe
(the the bombs)
(the exam)
gli esami
(the exams)
la stanza
(the room)
le stanze
(the rooms)
il seno
(the breast)
i seni
(the the breasts)
la vita
(the life)
le vite
(the livess)
il peccato
(the sin)
i peccati
(the sins)
la notte
(the night)
le notti
(the nights)
il papa’
(the dad)
i papa’
(the dads)
la coscia
(the thigh)
le cosce
(the thighs)
il campione
(the champion)
i campioni
(the champions)
la segretaria
(the secretary)
le segretarie
(the secretaries)
(the actor)
gli attori
(the actors)
la polizia
(the police)
le polizie
(the polices)
(the friend)
gli amici
(the friends)
la luce
(the light)
le luci
(the lights)
(the plane)
gli aerei
(the planes)
la coppa
(the cup)
le coppe
(the cups)

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