Italian Alphabet: Learn It Easily & Quickly With 3 Videos

The Italian Phonetic Alphabet – Easy & Helpful Video!

The Italian Alphabet – The Table

Here’s the Italian alphabet table with 21 letters:

Lettere (letters)Nomi (names)Fonemi(phonemes)ExamplesA, aaa (car)stanza (room)B, bbib (same as english)bar (bar)C, ccic dolce (choose)cielo (sky)C, ccic duro (can) con (with)D,ddid (same as english)del (of the)E, eee aperta (and)e (and)E, eee chiusa (her)immensità (immensity)F, feffef (same as english)fumo (smoke)G, ggig dolce (join)genio (genius)G, ggig dura (gap)gas (gas)H, haccano sound in Italianho (I have)I,

iii (read)idea (idea)L, lellel (same as english)lago (lake)M, memmem (same as english)ma (but)N, nennen (same as english)non (not)O, ooo aperta (rod)organo (organ)O, ooo chiusa (road)mondo (world)P, ppip (same as english)più (plus)Q, qkuk (same as english)qui (here)R, rerrer (same as english)Roma (Rome)S, sesses (same as english)sei (six)T, ttit (similar to english)tutto (all)U, uuu (room)uno (one)V, vviv (same as english)vocale (vocal)Z, zzetaz sorda – z sonorazio (uncle)

The Italian Alphabet – Video with the Pronunciation

The Italian Alphabet – The 5 Foreign Letters

Here’ are the 5 letters (J, K, W, X and Y) used in the modern italian alphabet for many foreign terms:

Lettere (letters)Nomi (name)Fonemi (phonemes)ji lungai (read)kcappak (same as english)wwu doppiov (veil)xicscs (accident)yypsiloni (read)

3 Peculiar Italian Consonants Clusters

Here are three consonant clusters with a peculiar pronunciation:

Lettere (letters)Nomi (names)Fonemi (phonemes)Examplesgngi-ennen (spanish ņ)gnomo (gnome)glgi-ellel (call you)aglio (garlic)scesse-cish (shell)scienze (science)

The Italian Alphabet Song – The Name of the Letters

Here’s a funny song for learning the name of all Italian alphabet letters:

The Italian Spelling Alphabet

Here’s how to spell the Italian words to avoid any mistake when you speak on phone, in offices, and so on:

A= a  come AnconaB = bi come BariC = ci  come ComoD = di  come DomodossolaE = e come EmpoliF = effe come FirenzeG = gi come GenovaH = acca come HotelI  = i come ImolaJ = i lunga come JollyK = cappa come K.O.L = elle come LivornoM = emme come MilanoN = enne come NapoliO = o come OtrantoP = pi come PalermoQ = qu come QuadroR = erre come RomaS = esse come SavonaT = ti come TorinoU = u come UdineV = vi come VeneziaW = wu doppia/doppia wu – come WashingtonX = ics come Raggi XY = ipsilon come YachtZ = zeta come Zara

As you can see, the names of several Italian Cities are used in this spelling system. Here’s a map to learn their location in Italy:


4 Italian Acronyms

ONUFIATASLUEOrganizzazione (Organization)
(United)Fabbrica (Factory)
Italiana (Italian)
(Turin)Azienda (Company)
Sanitaria (Healthcare)
Europea (European)

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