73 Computer Italian Words about Computers & Multimedia

Learn Computer Italian Words

Computer Italian Words

If you’re interested in learning computer-related Italian words, you’ve come to the right place! In today’s digital age, being familiar with computer terminology can be very beneficial, especially if you’re planning to work in the tech industry or studying computer science. Here are a few Italian words related to computers that you might find useful. However many Italian speakers use the English terminology.

@ (chiocciola) – @ (at)
.com (punto com) – .com (dot com)
aprire(verb) – open
accesso diretto – shortcut
chiuso – shut down
archivio – file
allegato – attached file
trascina e lascia – drag and drop

indietro – backward
avanti – forward
aiuto- help
(una) chat – (a) chat room
cyberspazio – cyberspace
(la) clipboard – the clipboard
commercio elettronico – e-commerce
connesso- on-line
disconnesso – off-line
computer – computer
password – password
copia di sicurezza – backup (copy)
copiare (verb) – copy
posta ordinaria – snail mail

posta indesiderata – spam, junk email
tagliare e incollare – cut and paste
corsivo – italic
cliccare su – click on
fare doppio click su – double-click on
hyperlink – hyperlink
Internauta – Internet userbarra di scorrimento – scroll bar
neretto/grassetto – bold
cancellare (verb) – delete
motore di ricerca – search engine
cercare (verb) – search

scaricare (verb) – download
indirizzo Internet – web address
salvare come – save as
salvare un file – save a file
modificare (verb) – edit
essere connessi – be online
eseguire (verb) – run
(una) email – an email
inviare a (verb) – send to
(un) emoticon – a smiley
scrivania – desktop
(un) link – a link

posta elettronica/email – email
indirizzo posta elettronica – email address
(un) favorito – a bookmark
(il) carattere – font
foglio di calcolo – spreadsheet(un’) icona – icon
stampante – printer
stampare (verb) – print
home – home
lancio veloce – quick launch
Internet – the Internet

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memoria – memory
browser – browser
(un) menú – a menu
(il) computer – computer
(il) mouse – mouse
(la) Rete – the Net
tastiera – keyboard
salvaschermo – screen saver
(un) server – server
sito web – website
(un) SMS – text message

(il) Web – the Websempre visibile – always on topmessaggio di testo – text message
navigare su Internet – surf the Web
pagina iniziale/home – homepage
pagina web – web page
schermo – screen
cestino – wastebasket
incollare (verb) – paste
personalizzare (verb) – customize
preguntas frecuentes – FAQ
(las) propiedades – properties
fornitore di Internet – Internet provider
(un) puntocom – a dotcom

Of course, this is just a small sample of the computer-related Italian vocabulary that you can learn. If you’re serious about learning Italian, you might want to consider taking a course or investing in some language learning resources. There are also plenty of free resources available online that can help you get started with learning Italian words and phrases. With dedication and practice, you can quickly build your Italian vocabulary and be well on your way to fluency.

In addition to the basic computer-related Italian words listed above, there are many other technical terms that you may encounter while working with computers or studying computer science. For example, if you’re interested in programming, you might want to learn Italian words related to coding languages such as “Java” (pronounced “yah-vah”), “Python” (pronounced “pahy-tohn”), or “Ruby” (pronounced “roo-bee”).

If you’re interested in networking or cybersecurity, you might want to learn Italian words related to those fields, such as “rete” (meaning “network”), “firewall” (pronounced “fee-re-wall”), or “crittografia” (meaning “encryption”).

Finally, if you’re planning to work with hardware, you might want to learn Italian words related to computer components, such as “scheda madre” (meaning “motherboard”), “scheda video” (meaning “video card”), or “disco rigido” (meaning “hard drive”).

No matter what your specific interest in computers might be, learning Italian words related to this field can be a great way to enhance your knowledge and improve your job prospects. Whether you’re planning to work in Italy or simply want to communicate with Italian colleagues, learning the language can be a valuable asset in today’s globalized world.

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