Discover an easy way to learn some common Italian question words: here’s “Gianna”, a nonsense song by Rino Gaetano, live at Sanremo festival 1978 (question words in Italian are in the second part):

Discover an easy way to learn some common Italian question words: here’s “Gianna”, a nonsense song by Rino Gaetano, live at Sanremo festival 1978 (question words in Italian are in the second part):
Here are 5 Italian riddles with English Translation… (If you like riddles here’s an excellent way to improve your knowledge of this beautiful language!.
With Angelo Branduardi you can learn the Italian present tense of some Italian verbs listening to the song “Il Marinaio”
What is the best way to become familiar with the use of Italian indefinite articles if not in a fun way, by listening and singing 2 catchy Italian songs?
Here’s a lesson is about the genders and numbers of the Italian nouns with Loredana Bertè, by singing “Sei Bellissima (“You’re very beautiful”). Learn singular and plural nouns in Italian and also some irregular nouns in Italian.
Skip to content One of the most challenging grammar rules for the Italian language learner is the use of Italian articles. Basically there are 3 types of masculine articles in the singular (il, lo, l’) and two in the plural…
Here are the Italian colors adjectives and their different rules and meanings: In English, the word orange can signify both color and fruit, as well as the flavor of that fruit.
Skip to content Un regalino – A small gift In the following post, you have the “musical chance” to learn the Italian diminutives with the ending “-ino”, used very often in the Italian language (with the added meaning of “small”,…
This Animal Italian Words lesson is one of the free learning Italian language videos that you”ll find on the website
You can read famous Italian poems & learn the language at the same time. If you will listen a poem every day, your will learn Italian too!