Discover an easy way to learn some common Italian question words: here’s “Gianna”, a nonsense song by Rino Gaetano, live at Sanremo festival 1978 (question words in Italian are in the second part):

Discover an easy way to learn some common Italian question words: here’s “Gianna”, a nonsense song by Rino Gaetano, live at Sanremo festival 1978 (question words in Italian are in the second part):
Here are 5 Italian riddles with English Translation… (If you like riddles here’s an excellent way to improve your knowledge of this beautiful language!.
Skip to content Un regalino – A small gift In the following post, you have the “musical chance” to learn the Italian diminutives with the ending “-ino”, used very often in the Italian language (with the added meaning of “small”,…
With Angelo Branduardi you can learn the Italian numbers with fun! Try to sing along many times and with the help of the music you’ll easily remember the names of the Italian numbers.
Listening to Italian love songs you can learn now some common negative expressions in Italian. Here’s Laura Pausini singing “Non c’è”. Sing along to learn what’s probably the most used negative phrase in Italy: Tu non rispondi più al telefono You don’t…
Learn how to use the Italian verb “to win”. Here you will find some example of the verb win in Italian like “vincere in scioltezza”, “vincere a mani basse”…
Italian Food Sayings – It’s not surprising that the Italian language has a a lot of sayings related to food, probably the most practiced (loved) national hobby!
On this page you can learn common Italian greetings with fun, listening to some classic Italian songs (and singing too)…
Here’s a great song by the Italian songwriter Francesco De Gregori built around the most common Italian greeting, the Italian hello “Ciao”